From overwhelmed to organized: Vineyard 29’s first harvest with vintrace

Vineyard 29’s state-of-the-art winery and classic wine-making techniques have remained the key ingredients to the winery’s elegant, enjoyable wines since their inception in 1989.

Keith Emerson, Vineyard 29

On a mission to improve productivity

For Keith Emerson, Head Winemaker at Vineyard 29 in St. Helena, California, sleep deprivation and late night planning were a daily occurrence during harvest to stay ahead.

“After a long harvest day followed by kids’ homework and bedtime stories, sitting down to write the next day’s Work Orders was a battle,” Keith explained. “It was too easy to make mistakes while planning pump-over lists for a 350 ton winery when you’re tired and have 101 other things on your mind.”

With their current processes failing them, Keith and Assistant Winemaker Tim Mills set out on a mission to improve productivity through cloud-based winemaking software. Their wish list included data integrity and accessibility across all devices – anywhere, anytime.

Keith’s strategy was to eliminate unnecessary tasks and optimize processes wherever possible. He invested in automated pump-over technology and searched for software that eliminated manual calculations and improved record-keeping.

The solution

It was a lot to wish for; however, a solution presented itself in vintrace. vintrace has the experience, features, and support staff Vineyard 29 needed to leap to a modern, mobile-enabled winemaking system. vintrace’s software also communicates to TankNet through an API gateway that enables data to flow between the two systems, helping to reduce the risk of errors due to double-handling.

Getting started with vintrace was easy. Keith received a preloaded database with his bulk wine statistics, tank numbers and volumes, barrel types, lot codes and more. Tim was a fan of vintrace’s online tutorials, which he could study at his convenience. “Overall, we’ve found vintrace to be very intuitive,” Keith exclaimed. “And best of all, the vintrace support team is only an email or phone call away and are always ready to help with a live screen share if we need.”


From overwhelmed to organized

vintrace’s wine production software has contributed to an overall improvement in data quality at Vineyard 29. “We enter data into vintrace when it is fresh in our heads, making the process faster and more efficient,” Keith noted. Vineyard 29 can record data into vintrace from anywhere and on any device, including mobile and tablet. By doing so, they have significantly reduced paperwork and data entry backlogs that can be as much as one week’s work during the peak of harvest.

In the lab, vintrace improved Vineyard 29’s reporting by eliminating the need for their Lab Technician to create reports. “We enter data directly into vintrace as we run the analyses and see those results immediately,” Keith explained. “Even if I am offsite in the vineyard or elsewhere, I can see results as they are entered back at the winery. Tim doesn’t have to stop what he is doing to prepare and send me a summary – It’s a huge time saver for both of us!”

These time-saving efficiencies resulted in Vineyard 29 reducing their seasonal labor costs by around 50%. Keith breezed through harvest with two interns, compared to 4-5 in previous years, and still had more time to do valuable work in the vineyard and winery.

De meilleures récoltes avec vintrace

Keith étudie les avantages des autres intégrations intégrées avec des équipements de laboratoire et des laboratoires extérieurs pour réduire davantage la saisie des données. « L'optimisation est la clé » dit Keith. « Plus nous pouvons améliorer nos processus, plus nous pouvons consacrer de temps à la vinification tout en réduisant les coûts de récolte sur les dépenses telles que la main-d'œuvre. »

« vintrace m'a donné plus de temps pour être vigneron, parcourir les vignes et goûter les ferments » dit Keith. « Les problèmes peuvent être résolus immédiatement, où que je sois. Je peux exécuter des tâches lorsqu'elles sont fraîches dans mon esprit, et nous ne manquons pas de détails importants entre une demande verbale et un ordre de travail écrit.

Découvrez comment vintrace peut vous aider à organiser et optimiser votre cave


« Avec vintrace, nous avons réduit notre équipe de vendanges de 50 %, passant de 4 à 5 stagiaires à seulement deux, tout en nous donnant plus de temps pour effectuer des travaux à plus forte valeur ajoutée dans le vignoble et la cave.

Keith Emerson, Head Winemaker,
Vineyard 29, Saint Helena, California

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