Perspectivas de la industria
Ver bajo demanda: Cómo colaborar eficazmente con su distribuidor para preparar su bodega para el futuro
Explore los pilares clave para una colaboración eficaz que se traduzca en la capacidad de su bodega para superar los desafíos del mercado del vino y preparar su negocio vitivinícola para el futuro.
May 20, 2024
The future growth and success of your winery require forward-thinking strategies in collaboration with your distribution network. In this webinar, you can explore key pillars to effective collaboration that result in your winery’s ability to overcome wine market challenges, remain a leader in a competitive beverage industry, and enable you to connect more closely with your consumers. You’ll hear best practices from two companies leading the wine industry that you can work to put into practice to future-proof your winery.

Marty Peterson, COO at Foley Family Wines

Nathan Mansperger, VP of Digital Supplier Growth, Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits

Julie Milroy, VP of Supplier Development & Marketing, Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits

Garth Beyer, Marketing Manager, vintrace
Enjoy the webinar? There's more where that came from! Head to the vintrace blog to see how leading wineries are future-proofing their business in the modern beverage industry.